The New Forest Code

What is the New Forest Code?
In the New Forest, everyone’s wellbeing and success is reliant on the success of the community around us. While the New Forest is a delightful place to roam freely, there's a bit of a code you should keep in mind, set by the Forestry Commission.
It’s all about keeping the Forest as enchanting as ever, by ensuring the safety of both visitors and the local wildlife. The well-being of the animals and the special needs of the countryside come first.
So, while you're out enjoying a spot of foraging or a leisurely stroll, remember that we’re all guardians of this beautiful area.
The New Forest Code explained
By following the code, you’re playing a role in preserving the New Forest for generations to come:
How fast should I drive on forest roads?
To help protect our wandering ponies, cattle, and deer, it's best to stick to 40mph or below on all unfenced forest roads. This is especially important at night when these animals might be on a night out.
Where should I park my car on New Forest outings?
The New Forest has 150 Forest car parks, so there's no need to park on the roadside. Please don’t park on the verges as it causes congestion and can do a fair bit of harm to the greenery.
Can I cycle in the New Forest?
Absolutely! Cycling is a wonderful way to explore the Forest, but please stick to the marked paths and cycle tracks. You’ll want to avoid skidding about and do give way to walkers and horse-riders. A gentle pace is best to keep the magic of the Forest intact.
Are the ponies safe to approach?
The New Forest ponies are a joy to see, but they’re still wild animals. Resist the urge to feed them, as it can lead to them wandering on dangerous roads. And a little word of caution: ponies and donkeys can be quite bold if approached, so it’s best to admire from a distance, especially if you’ve got little ones with you.
Can I bring my dog?
Your well-behaved pooch is more than welcome! The New Forest is a paradise for dogs but do keep an eye on them. Don’t let your dog chase the local wildlife, and if you’re unsure about control, keep them on a lead. Also, be sure to clean up after your dog—bins are provided in for this.
Where can I walk in the New Forest?
Feel free to wander along any footpath or track unless signs say otherwise. Sticking to these paths helps protect the wildlife and their homes, so let’s keep it that way!
Can I have a picnic or BBQ in the Forest?
Picnics are welcome, but please, no open fires. The Forestry Commission has set up designated BBQ sites, so if you fancy a sizzle, give them a ring at 023 8028 3141 to book.
What should I do with litter?
Please pop your rubbish in the bins provided, or even better, take it home with you.
What happens if I have an emergency?
Contact the Hampshire Constabulary by calling 999 for an emergency. In other circumstances, you can phone 101.
What must I do if I find a sick, injured or dead animal
If you come across a sick, injured or dead pony, cow, donkey, pig or sheep (other than one involved in a road traffic accident), please call 02380 282052 during normal office hours, or 02380 283141 at other times. Visit the verderers website for more information.